Fire Safety Tips for Kids
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Fire Safety is an important topic to teach every member of the family, particularly young children as they can play a part in preventing home fires from happening. If an accident does occur, learning these fire safety topics can help your keiki know how to protect themselves.
Don't play with matches or lighters –Teaching your children to stay away from matches and lighters and to never use them without adult supervision is probably the most important lesson they should know about fire safety. Also teach them to run extinguished matches under water before discarding it so that trash doesn’t suddenly ignite.
Stop, drop, and roll - One of the classic fire safety tips for kids is to teach them to “stop, drop, and roll” if their clothes catch fire. Show your children what this looks like and practice it with them. Also, if an alarm goes off, teach your children to get low and get out and show them how to crawl to safety. Let them know about the dangers of smoke as well as fire.
Practice an escape plan - Make sure your whole family, especially young children know what to do in case of a fire. Practice it with them so they'll know what to do in an emergency.
Don't play near the kitchen - Teach your keiki to play away from the kitchen and to keep flammable objects away from the stove. For children learning to cook, make sure they know to keep things like dishtowels and oven mitts away from the stove. It only takes a split second for these to catch fire and cause damage.
Never leave candles burning – Both young and older children should be taught the dangers of leaving a candle and other exposed heat sources like incense or space heaters unattended. Teach them to make sure that these are extinguished or turned off before leaving a room.
Don't over-plug – This is an important lesson for both children and adults. Do not plug too many devices into a single outlet, whether through the use of extension cords or power strips.
Never hide under the bed or in the closet – Teach your children never to hide in enclosed areas where they could become trapped in the event of a fire.
Leave your belongings behind - In case of a fire, teach your children to leave everything behind and get out. Their belongings can be replaced and its more important to get everyone to safety.
Don't use the elevator – For families living in an apartment building, teach your children to use the stairs instead of an elevator.
If you would like to have your home evaluated for fire safety, let Hero Fire Protection help! We are a full-service fire protection company in Hawaii dedicated in educating families about the devastating effects of home fires and other home safety issues. Contact us today to get a FREE fire safety assessment and receive a FREE emergency kit.
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